Return Policy

Our returns guarantee entitles you to return the product hassle-free within 14 days after receiving for any reason. The product must remain unused and all original packaging, price labels etc. shall be returned with the product.

If you return an order, always keep your tracking number and receipts so you have proof of shipment. We strongly recommend using a traceable (and insured) form of delivery. The incurred costs for returning are not covered for.

For further steps in this process simply email us at with your order number + the product to return.

If you would like to exchange an item for a different size/model, we can exchange for free for a different product or give you a coupon credit equivalent to the amount of your original order that you can use to place a new order. You just have to return the product.

Please send us an email at We will be able to cancel your order, only if it hasn't been processed/shipped at the moment the email is being handled.

If you cancel your order after it has been processed/shipped, please follow our Return Policy.